Sveba dahlen classic deck oven. High temperature - up to 400 degrees.

Sveba dahlen classic deck oven Sponsorships; Spotlight on Professionals; The Manual Setting Device is available in three different sizes which are adapted to the D-Series Deck Ovens. The Classic Deck Sveba Dahlen offers rack ovens, deck ovens, pizza ovens, in-shop ovens, compact ovens, combination ovens and tunnel ovens and entire dough prepping lines. Image web, digital - Oven Loader Liftmatic-G Deck Oven D-Series -low_res jpg. X: X: X: Programmable week timer with stop settings. It is equipped with an array of intelligent features tailored for both bakers and bakeries, this panel is a game-changer in simplifying the baker's daily routine. 29 MB SD Touch II Digital Control Panel for Deck Ovens SD Touch II Panel is a highly user-friendly and intelligent display which makes it easy to bake high quality pastries and bread. Also for: Classic dc-2, Classic dc-2e, Classic dc-3, Classic dc-4. Environmentally friendlier ovens with top quality, which gives a long reliable service time. Classic Series Pizza Oven. Steam Function for Deck Oven; FAQ - Learn more with Sveba Dahlen; FAQ - Learn more with Glimek; References; CSR; Spotlight on Professionals; Positions. The bakery produces a wide range of baked goods and with the Sveba Dahlen V-Series in the bakery they say that they get the best from classic baking and new technology Classic Series Pizza Oven The Sveba Dahlen Classic Pizza Oven has all the features you could wish for in a pizza oven. The flexible module system and variety of sizes make it suited for all types of bread A Reliable Deck Oven That Works For Both Confectionery And Bakeries. View All Products; About; Testimonials; Contact; Terms & Conditions; Enquiries 01892 831 960 Learn more about Sveba Dahlen's deck ovens and why you should choose a Sveba Dahlen oven for your bakery. We delivered the first tunnel oven as early as 1955! In 1963, we invented the first rotating rack oven with IBS (Increased Baking Surface), which revolutionized Steam Function for Deck Oven; FAQ - Learn more with Sveba Dahlen; FAQ - Learn more with Glimek; References; CSR. It can Sveba Dahlen Classic Pizza Deck Oven. 5 The Artista Deli Tunnel Oven is equipped with a user-friendly control panel with touch screen and intuitive operation. X : X: ECO mode, automatic, standby Energy-saving mode. Sveba Dahlen deck oven – the original way of baking stone baked bread! Pizza Oven - P-Series. DC3P Width: 2020 mm Depth: 1070 mm Max. Sveba Dahlen. For lower loads, energy is saved with an easy push of a button. X: X : X Ergonomic handles keeps cool through the whole day. . Possible to move through a "standard" door without SD-Touch - Deck Ovens D2 Panel - Deck Ovens D1+ Panel - Deck Ovens; AC Guard. We have long experience of developing and producing machines for the marine restaurant and baking business. X: X: X: X: Programmable week timer with start settings. X : ECO mode. Also a baking oven for larger production of pies and pita bread. SRD130 - Rack Oven, Deck Oven Explore the Sveba Dahlen rack oven – a quiet, energy-efficient, and compact commercial bakery oven offering high flexibility, purposefully designed to seamlessly fit into small spaces. The SD Amigo Pizza control panel is the standard panel for the Sveba Dahlen Pizza Ovens, including the P-Series, the High Temp Pizza Oven, and the Classic Pizza Oven models. Sveba Dahlen, Oven Loader, Oven Loader Liftmatic-G. DC1P DC2P DC2EP DC3P Separate connections per deck Depth: 1070 mm Max. Deck Ovens . Fitted with automatic water feed and humidity sensor. Available in four different widths and adaptable to most pizza restaurants. Standard Options www. Sveba Dahlen's deck ovens feature a generously adapted steam system that optimizes bread's ability to rise and achieve the right crust character. Sveba Dahlen also includes the brands Glimek and Varimixer. Of course, it is also possible to heat and cook other products in the oven, such as lavash bread, flatbread, pita bread, lasagna and much more besides. 0. Get the best baking results with our industrial band ovens with wire mesh belt or solid steel belt. With an AC guard you don’t need to upgrade the power into your bakery, the oven handles it by itself. The deck oven is available in five different widths and is heated by electricity. In our booth, we’ll be showcasing a bread line, an industrial rack oven, a combination oven, and a The Sveba Dahlen Deck Ovens consists of robust, reliable and energy-efficient ovens with even heat distribution throughout the oven interior, which gives excellent baking results. SRP130 - Rack Oven, Underbuilt Proofer. Prover DJ1 DJ2 DJ2E DJ3. Get manuals for all our ovens and machines. com 990041-002 Sveba Dahlen AB Classic DC-1 is a high-quality deck oven that provides consistent and reliable baking results. Sveba Dahlen, Manual Oven Loader, Manual Oven Loader. Model designation Serial number DC-22 149613-01/9318 Positioning of data plate. X: X: X: X: Programmable week timer with stop settings. File Size. It is also equipped with an advanced steam system that gives the The Sveba Dahlen Deck Oven – the original way of baking! D-Series Double Depth. Pull-out shelf Convenient unloading shelf that can be pulled out if Buy a tunnel oven adapted to your bakery business! No single baking technique is ideal for all baking products. It can also be equipped with an underbuilt prover. FAQ - Learn more about Pizza Ovens Here you will find frequently asked questions and answers about pizza ovens. Electric tunnel pizza ovens for continuous pizza production from Sveba Dahlen. View All Products; About; Testimonials; Contact; Terms & Conditions; Enquiries 01892 831 960 info@jestic. co. Sveba Dahlen – D series (Deck oven) Sveba Dahlen – Classic (Pizza oven) Details; Sveba Dahlen – Tunnel (Pizza Oven) Details; Our Location. Products. With its double temperature sensors, the oven ensures even heat distribution throughout the interior, making it perfect for a variety of bakery types and sizes. Enquire about Sveba-Dahlen. Bakery Deck Ovens; Rack Ovens; S-Series Mini Rack Oven; Proofers; Dough Mixers; View Full Range; Testimonials; Contact. Distributes power according to heating needs without overloading. Provides clear and convenient lighting inside the oven chamber. A S Catering Supplies can source a range of spare parts for Dahlen machines. Built-in steam generator with steam trap – per deck 1. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, you can now achieve perfect pizzas every time. Simply put, the N-Series is the Sveba Dahlen brand packaged in a compact stone and pizza oven of the highest quality. The Sveba Dahlen electric deck oven - the original way of baking! A reliable commercial deck oven that works for both confectionery and bakeries. com Phone: +46 33 15 15 15 Sveba-Dahlen. Welcome to Sveba Dahlen and Middleby in Hall 9 Booth D31 at iba 2025 in Düsseldorf, Germany on May 18 - 22. The deck oven comes with fully insulated walls and ceiling, robust doors with windows and ergonomic, stay-cool handles. The S400 is developed for in-store bakery. The store is located in the BIG shopping center that had its grand opening on October 31, 2015. Classic Pizza Series kitchen appliances pdf manual download. Pizza Ovens. It is well insulated, which leads to a good working environment while also using less energy. Media Classic Pizza - Pull Out Shelf. This modular tunnel oven can switch between the stone hearth belt and a perforated or solid steel belt. Well insulated proofer chamber and equipped with sliding glass doors. Sveba-Dahlen Classic is available in five standard widths that fit most sizes of baking trays. Settings for heating zones, belt speed and more. Our sales team will be on hand to answer all your questions. Bakery Deck Ovens . A plentiful amount of steam is rapidly and explosively dispersed throughout the entire oven chamber at an optimal steam temperature. The lower deck is adapted for classic pizza with baking temperatures up to 350°C / 662°F and a classic pizza stone. The Sveba-Dahlen Classic Deck Oven gives you a variety of sizes and configurations to choose from. Sveba-Dahlen. Decks with standard height and extra high decks, high-temperature decks with a maximum temperature of 350°C / 662°F, or standard decks with a maximum temperature of 330°C / 626°F Classic Series Pizza Oven The Sveba Dahlen Classic Pizza Oven has all the features you could wish for in a pizza oven. Page 1 860004-02 Rev. Sveba Dahlen AB Industrivägen 8 SE-513 82 Fristad, Sweden To deliver fresh baked products with amazing taste and the highest quality - that is the ambition at Jawad Modern Bakeries in Amman, Jordan. Units 3 & 4 Dana Estate which makes the series suitable for different types and sizes of bakery. The steam is evenly spread quickly within the oven. 216. With Sveba Dahlen’s 500°C / 932°F High Temp pizza oven, it is possible to change your pizza concept overnight, meeting your customers’ demands for exclusive Neapolitan pizzas. LVD The deck oven is manufactured in detachable This oven has two oven chambers, the upper oven chamber is adapted for Neapolitan pizza with baking temperatures up to 500°C / 932°F and authentic handmade Biscotti di Sorrento pizza stones. Career; Media Store; Distributor Service; Distributor Network; Product Catalog; Sveba Dahlen. Pizza Oven LED Lighting | Sveba Dahlen The café area is decorated in classic Scandinavian, stripped-down style, and as soon as the customers walk through the door it is clear that they have entered somewhere that is a little out of the ordinary, where tastes, colors and design are of key importance. Classic Series Pizza Oven The Sveba Dahlen Classic Pizza Oven has all the features you could wish for in a pizza oven. The oven can be delivered with extra deep oven chamber for extra capacity. com info@sveba. SR130 - Rack Oven. Glimek - commercial dough handling equipment; Sveba Dahlen; Steam Function for Deck Oven; FAQ - Learn more with Sveba Dahlen; FAQ - Learn more with Glimek; References; CSR; Spotlight on Professionals; Positions. It only takes 30 - 45 minutes depending on disired baking temperature. 0-alpha-20201231-10-g1236 The deck oven is also modular, allowing the possible addition of up to five decks. This user-friendly oven is equipped with a smart control panel and a well The industrial ovens in the I-Series are powerful and high capacity rotating double-double rack ovens, adapted for industrial bakeries and commercial production. The oven is a smaller version of the S400 with all its advantages. Also possible to use as a stand-alone prover. High Temp Pizza Oven - Ceramic Glass The door features an exclusive heat-reflective ceramic glass that is able to withstand temperature changes on a really high level. Available in five standard widths The underbuilt prover fits perfectly with the deck oven from Sveba Dahlen. Separate connections per deck Unassembled deck 990041-002-2 DC1P Width: 1075 mm Depth: 1070 mm Max. X: X: X: Programmable week timer with start settings. 6. 9M . We provide our distributors with technical support for planned service disruption. Gives a smooth, crisp crust and for some breads a significantly increased volume. The Sveba Dahlen D-Series Deck Oven D-53E is a robust, reliable, and energy-efficient oven designed to deliver exceptional baking results. Manuals come with all of our products. Options: PER DECK OPTIONS SD-Touch, D1+, or Analogue control panel. Sveba Dahlen has produced a number of patented baking technology solutions. This is the S-Series – The King of Combination Ovens! Deck Oven, Underbuilt Proofer. Modular design makes it possible for additional zones to be added if more capacity is needed. Sveba Dahlen offers deck ovens with extra depth -perfect for larger volumes and for different Sveba-Dahlen D-Series is available in five standard widths that fit most sizes of baking trays. The popular Classic ovens have recently been The Sveba Dahlen electric deck oven - the original way of baking! A reliable commercial deck oven that works for both confectionery and bakeries. Those stones combined with the 500° C / 932° F very even distributed heat, is the secret behind the success of the Scandinavian electrical high temp pizza oven. The Electric Pizza Oven rapidly reaches the desired baking temperature. The ovens are well-insulated and efficiently retain heat inside the oven. P401HT - 1 deck oven: P402HT - 2 deck Steam Function for Deck Oven. A silent oven that really stands out with its well-considered functions. Packed with an array of intelligent features tailored for both bakers and bakeries, this panel is a game-changer in simplifying the Sveba Dahlen rack oven and work environment. Monday to Thursday 0830 to 1830 hrs Friday 8:30 to 1730 hrs Closed on Saturday, Sundays and Public Holidays Optimized, high quality and high capacity steam system. This means that the working environment becomes better in the bakery, with less leaking heat from the deck ovens. It features individual control over top, bottom, and front heat to optimize baking results. Electric tunnel ovens used for continuous baking of all types of bread and pastry at temperature up to 350°C or 500°C / 932°F. View more info Prevent unnecessary downtime for your customers. SD Touch II makes everyday life easier for bakers worldwide. Available with all deck ovens with more than one deck. Boost Your Culinary Success: Reliable, convenient, and efficient, the Sveba Dahlen pizza oven empowers pizza establishments to thrive and stand out in a competitive market. 4 Classic Deck oven Type: DC-1 DC-2 DC-2E DC-3 DC-4 Operating Maintenance Installation; Page 2 Data plate. Pizza Ovens . The Classic Pizza Oven has a thick insulating layer of mineral wool offering the best heat deck section is regulated separately. Several options like: tray rack, storage shelf, canopy with fan, extra rack for 6, 8 or 10 trays, condensation unit, humidity sensor (SJ2/300), left hand hinged door and storage cabinet. uk. sveba. +46 33 151500 Fax +46 33 151599 Subject to changes without notice Sveba Dahlen deck oven – The original way of baking. Deck Oven - D-Series Double Depth. The deck oven feature AC Guard is a intelligent power distributing system inside the oven. Available also with prover. The D-series Consists Of Robust, Reliable And Energy-efficient Ovens With Double Temperature Sensors To Ensure Categories: Deck Oven, Ovens, Sveba Dahlen. 77 KB Save. Industrial bakery rack oven I-Series for high capacity and even baking! The I-Series is a very quiet, reliable and powerful roll-in rack oven, built to be safe for use in an industrial environment with high production capacity and that can be loaded quickly and easily on a single occasion without having to rotate the platform. Career; Contact; External links. Electric Pizza Oven with no fire, flue gases or firewood. Sveba Dahlen Classic DC-1 is a versatile deck oven designed for baking a wide range of products, from bread and pastries to cakes and cookies. At MIK Madrid you are offered the opportunity to learn to use our machines and panels, to try out your own doughs in the machines, to join a event with a masterbaker or to organize customized training for your employees using our machines. The ovens are equipped with high quality heat and steam systems which allows baking of all types of products; all from sensitive products like meringues and muffins to more robust sour D-Series Classic Deck Oven. As always, the oven is robust, user-friendly and energy-efficient. It is a robust and reliable oven designed to meet every user´s requirements for functionality, convenience and economy. Bake all from pizza to pies and pita bread, as well as for making dishes such as hamburgers, fish and hot dogs. SD Touch 2 - Deck Ovens D2 Panel - Deck Ovens D1+ Panel - Deck Ovens SD Amigo - Deck Ovens; AC Guard. Packed with features such as separate settings for front-, top-, and bottom heat, weekly schedule and clock function, a backup battery, and both automatic and manual turbo functions. Sveba Dahlen, Oven. When activated it makes it distributes the power between the decks and makes it possible to run a deck oven with more than one deck even if the installed fuse / The AC guard is a smart power distributing device that makes it possible to connect the oven to a smaller circuit breaker. Our brands. The underbuilt proofer has a modern, digital panel with timer and digital settings, to make every day proofing life easier! The Sveba Dahlen electric deck oven - the original way of baking! A reliable commercial deck oven that works for both confectionery and bakeries. A Reliable Deck Oven That Works For Both Confectionery And Bakeries. High temperature - up to 400 degrees. Flexible production with up to 3 decks and temperatures up to 400°C. Deck oven. The oven maintains the desired temperature the whole day and is ready to go whenever the pizza maker needs it. The effective control panels gives the user full control over the baking process. Business Hours. The View and Download Sveba Dahlen AB Classic Pizza Series operating maintenance installation online. The exterior remains cool during baking, and this, along with details like the ergonomic handle design, the oven's low noise level, and the smart multi-holder with a magnetic mount for, for example, a knife and oven mitts on the front of the rack oven, The S300 is developed for in-store bakery. The SD Touch II panel is the smart and user-friendly control panel with a touch display designed for Sveba Dahlen baking ovens. If a manual is lost or missing, contact your distributor to order a new one. Baking is passion! The D-Series deck oven reflects this by delivering baking results of the highest standard. Pizza Oven Classic is, as the name implies, a classic pizza oven that is a reliable and loyal servant in pizza restaurants worldwide. The restaurant bakes about 200 lunch pizzas and a total of around 400 pizzas a day. The model DC-2E is also available in a deep execution, called DC Sveba-Dahlens Classic deck ovens are reliable and appreciated companions in bakeries all over the world. Image web, digital - Deck Model: D-22 400v Double Deck Oven Classic 950x820 Electric 17. Sveba Dahlen was founded in 1948 in Sweden. DC2P Width: 1390 mm Max. 3x380+0 13,8 Connected voltage Data plate for Classic Deck Oven To obtain assistance with installation or service of the oven the oven serial number and Sveba Dahlen deck ovens are available in various widths and up to 5 decks, where you can combine decks with racks for trays with decks equipped with stone hearth. Also possible to use as a cooking oven; cook hamburgers, fish and And of course you can find professional baking ovens and pizza ovens from Sveba Dahlen. 109. Position your bakery for success with the Electric deck ovens bring top quality to your baking operation. Article number: Dimensions [mm] Adapted to oven: 321809-01: 450x800: D2, D3 Artista Deli is a small electric stone tunnel oven from Sveba Dahlen with a baking temperature of 450°C / 842°F and high baking capacity. Pizza Oven - Classic Pizza Pizza Oven Classic is, as the name implies, a classic pizza oven that is a reliable and loyal servant in pizza restaurants worldwide. Sveba Dahlen – Classic (Pizza oven) Details; Sveba Dahlen – Tunnel (Pizza Oven Pizza Vichinga is our new electric pizza oven that allows the restaurant to develop its pizza concept overnight! This is the oven that takes the concept of multi-tasking seriously, as it is a combination of a pizza oven where the pizza chef bakes classic pizza on the lower deck, which maintains a maximum temperature of 350°C/662°F, and perfectly baked Neapolitan The oven has been developed and manufactured to reflect Sveba Dahlen’s values: premium quality, user-friendly, reliable, professional and best baking results. Focus on Innovation: With the Sveba Dahlen commercial pizza oven, restaurants can explore new pizza trends and toppings without worrying about oven performance. com CLASSIC PIZZA OVEN OPTIONS Dimensions 1. The S200 is developed for in-store bakery. 2 Reservdelslista Spare Parts List Ersatzteilliste Classic 3/4:3505-123 Innehåll Table of contents Inhalt Please direct all your questions, comments or technical problems regarding this product to the SVEBA-DAHLEN dealer or directly to SVEBA-DAHLEN AB SE-513 82 Fristad, Sweden Tel. Manufacturers like Sveba Dahlen offer several tunnel oven solutions that can meet your specific production goals, optimize your space, and enhance the overall quality of your products. Sveba-Dahlens Classic deck ovens are reliable and appreciated companions in bakeries all over the world. The oven's unique steam system, consisting of two Energy-efficient, heat-resistant double LED lighting in each oven chamber. Flexible oven for continiuous production. Explore the world of precision baking with our SD Amigo Pizza Control Panel. High Crown (220mm). Build your own Classic deck oven! The Classic deck ovens are available in five different widths from 1075 to 2335 mm. Choose between several options: Stella Pizza is open every day of the week from 10 am to 10 pm, and relies on Sveba Dahlen’s double-decker Beyond Black pizza oven (P602BB) to bake its pies. Sveba Dahlen supplies spare parts to our distributors world wide. This makes it extremely flexible and able to bake everything from bread and pizza to free standing loafs and sweet products. Also the optimiezd insulation gives better cost efficiency and overall cost savings of ownership. 12 Tagore Lane Singapore 787474. 4kw Castors, S/s Exterior, Except The Back, Glass Doors And Built In Halogen Light, D1 Electronic Panel Deck 1: 220mm With Built In Steam Generator Deck 2: 220mm With Built In Steam Generator, Stone Sole 400/60/3. Addeddate 2021-06-20 01:05:19 Identifier manualzilla-id-7240096 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t2c93zg1b Ocr tesseract 5. As well as their deck ovens and rack ovens which they started out with, Sveba Dahlen now also manufacture provers alongside electrical and gas-fired tunnel ovens. It is possible to stack and has a large capacity in a small area. World class electric tunnel ovens with fossil free operation. The S400 is available with gas heating and/or prover. Unassembled deck The oven SD Amigo Pizza Control Panel. Energy efficient and short recovery period. 2. Discover our wide selection of Sveba Dahlen ovens and Glimek bakery equipment. Freestanding control panel that can be placed anywhere near the oven. Main navigation The SD Touch II panel is the smart and user-friendly control panel with a touch display designed for Sveba Dahlen baking ovens. sveba-dahlen. The oven has the efficinecy and functions of a large oven, which makes it perfect as an in-store oven. Common water connections. Classic DC-1 oven pdf manual download. Contact for distributors: Mail: spareparts@sveba. A flexible and reliable baking companion . The D-Series consists of robust, reliable and energy-efficient ovens with double temperature sensors to ensure an even heat distribution throughout the oven interior, which gives excellent View and Download Sveba Dahlen AB Classic DC-1 operating & installation manual online. 54 KB Save. 8 kW. The Sveba-Dahlen brand name can be seen in the store on two V-40 ovens, 1 Fermatic Q4 Freezer, retarder, prover and a DC-42E deck oven. Main navigation. Robust, high quality materials The standard baking time is about 2 to 15 minutes depending on what you’re baking, but the oven can also be equipped with a short baking time function, lowering time in the oven down to the range of 42 seconds to 5. We are specialist on tunnel ovens - also on electrical tunnel ovens! Indirect gas heated tunnel oven for continuos baking of all types of bread and pastry in up to 280°C / 536°F. X Also for Deck Ovens. Energy-saving mode. Pizza Oven Classic is, as the name implies, a classic pizza oven that is a reliable and loyal servant in pizza . The new generation of pizza ovens from Sveba Dahlen- a reliable solution that alway deliver perfect results. Stone sole. Classic pizza baking requires solid stone soles of high quality. Fast delivery during production stops is important. This means that the oven distributes the power to the decks that need it most. The Sveba Dahlen high temperature pizza oven is fitted with genuine Italian Biscotti di Sorrento pizza stones, traditionally made in Italy. For current spare part list - go to Distributor Service. User-friendly panel with a weekly timer Sveba Dahlen AB Industrivägen 8 SE-513 82 Fristad, SWEDEN www. Premium quality marine bakery ovens and bakery equopment! Sveba Dahlen offer bakery equipment as rack ovens, deck ovens and pizza ovens for the marine environments. Glimek - commercial dough handling Image web, digital - Manual Oven Loader Deck Oven D-Series -low_res jpg. With its advanced features, it is suitable for a wide range of baking applications, from artisan bread to pastries and confectionery. The oven is available in five standard widths, adapted to fit most sizes of baking trays. All of our marine bakery machines are specially adapted to sea conditions and Sveba Dahlen AB Classic DC-1 is a high-quality deck oven that provides consistent and reliable baking results. View more info. Excellent for baking stone baked bread with that perfect crust and texture. Learn more here. Naturally, we have manuals for our products. The deck oven is also modular, allowing the possible addition of up to five decks. Contributes to a sustainable working evironment. Vänga kvarncafé, situated next to the Säveån stream in a classic Sveba Dahlen Tunnel Pizza oven is a flexible commercial pizza oven for a continuous production of pizza and other dishes, easily adapted to different capacity requirements. CLASSIC PIZZA OVEN OPTIONS. Sveba Dahlen, Manual Oven Loader, Manual Oven Loader Save. D-Series Bakery Deck Oven. Cement sole is standard. Model: Ovens D1 D2 D2E D3 D4. Topics manualzilla, manuals, , Collection manuals_contributions; manuals; additional_collections Item Size 75. Contact your distributor when needed - go to Distributor Network. To help with the production, they have a Sveba Dahlen deck oven equipped with Classic Series Pizza Oven The Sveba Dahlen Classic Pizza Oven has all the features you could wish for in a pizza oven. The SD Amigo Pizza Control Panel for Pizza Ovens is an exceptionally user-friendly control panel. Pull-out shelf Convenient unloading shelf that can be pulled out if needed. 3 decks. Perfect for sourdough bread, traditional loaves, and delicate pastries, the Sveba Dahlen electric deck oven bakes it all with an even baking result. We possess expert knowledge about our machines that are used in everyday baking operations – from the smallest cafés and bakeries to large-scale industrial bakeries – including with regard to the service and maintenance of tunnel ovens. Even heat guarantees baked goods distinctive in flavor and appearance. ojhvrcfd qmtblwvw btnfl fafcxv bphnjj xtqy busig sssj lunmc hubrkq gpqd qxq rubcxsbax ccweg tyznuvve

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