Colonel spark olena. It's also free to list advertise a stallion.
Colonel spark olena Well bred! No Hancock! Horse ID: 2267244 • Ad Created: 07-Feb-2024 6PM Text Renewed: 27-Aug-2024 7AM. com. Blue Spark Olena x MRI Peppita Pedigree for Blue Spark Olena, photos and offspring from the All Breed Horse Pedigree Database. Chocolate Chic Olena n S p t r o d e o s 2 a f m a 4 7 b f a F i f 8 2 , r g 6 9 0 5 5 e l u f i l l 6 2 1 3 y 1 u 7 2 t h 1 h r 0 5 h t · Shared with Public doc olena sugar gay bar miss hickory peppy shining spark id: 2810420: genuine doc diamonds sparkle miss knotty parr : zan parr bar knots yet trr irish lady colonel legion cha cha step joanies smokin chick : joanies six : tanquery gin Colonel foals COLONEL FRECKLES COLONEL DOC BAR CHEX SHIRLEY’S DO AR SANROSE BLUE COLONEL BLUE SPARK OLENA BLUE SAN ROSE SAN ROSE RED Se x Color BD Base $ Dam Notes 1 M Bay roan white rt. MRI Blue Poco Buck – sold. Horse: Filter: All Horses Males Only Females Only Blacktype Only Grade 1 Only Colonel Spark OLena (Colonel) Snyder, Oklahoma 73566 USA 2018 Blue Roan AQHA Quarter Horse Stallion Homozygous Roan & Black. COLONEL SPARK OLENA 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion Homozygous for Roan &Black (photo at just 3 yrs old) This colt has bloodlines of: Colonel Freckles Blue Spark OLena Shining Spark Smart Little Lena Doc Bar (and NO Blue Valentine or Hancock!) (click picture) Standing At Stud : At Stud Shiny Topsail Dunit. SIRED BY OUR EQ STALLION Spark N Whiz Check out the winning run of our NRHA BREEDERS FUTURITY OPEN LEVEL4 CHAMPIONS 2022 GD SPARK OLENA WHIZ & Gennaro COLONEL SPARK OLENA 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion Homozygous for Roan &Black (photo at just 3 yrs old) This colt has bloodlines of: Colonel Freckles Blue Spark OLena Shining Spark Smart Little Lena Doc Bar (and NO Blue Valentine or Hancock!) (click picture) Standing At Stud : Colonel Freckles : Colonel Doc Bar Chex : Shirley’s Doc Bar: Sanrose Blue Colonel : Blue Spark Olena : Blue San Rose : San Rose Red : Shining Spark : Blue Spark Olena : Smart Sugalena: MRI Blue Sparklnrain : Provocative Cowboy : MRI Peppita Rain : Miss Peppita Doc Colonel Freckles : Colonel Doc Bar Chex : Shirley’s Doc Bar: Sanrose Blue Colonel : Blue Spark Olena : Blue San Rose : San Rose Red : Shining Spark : Blue Spark Olena : Smart Sugalena: MRI Blue Sparklnrain : Provocative Cowboy : MRI Peppita Rain : Miss Peppita Doc The foal this mare is pictured with was the 2021 FQHA World Champion in Yearling Halter and Reserve Champion in lead-in Ranch Trail and FQHA WORLD LEAD-IN ALL AROUND CHAMPION!!!! Her other daughter Shinin Little Cutter is bred to Lena Freckled Leo for 2022!! Spark Olena Quincy has an excellent blend of old foundation and reining/cutting bloodlines. 69,493 likes · 1,193 talking about this. Dashin Money Perks (Blackie) COLONEL SPARK OLENA 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion Homozygous for Roan &Black (photo at just 3 yrs old) This colt has bloodlines of: Colonel Freckles Blue Spark OLena Shining Spark Smart Little Lena Doc Bar (and NO Blue Valentine or Hancock!) (click picture) Standing At Stud : At Stud Shiny Topsail Dunit. 2024 Stud Fee- $1250 Sharing- Colonel Spark Olena Introducing- COLONEL SPARK OLENA, 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion. Horse: Gens: COLONEL GUNSMOKE sor 1981: COLONEL FRECKLES* sor 1973: SWEETBREEZE: sor 1974: ROOSTERS HOT PIQ 2001 QUARTER HORSE: GALLO DEL CIELO* b 14. Our History The Team Sponsors. 0 to 15. McCann, Kent, WA 1995 Pedigree for Colonel X Cc Foal, photos and offspring from the All Breed Horse Pedigree Database. His semen is really good. 2nd in Jackpot reining at the Champions Center Ranch Horse Show SHINERS CHIC (Ebony Shines, by Shining Spark). What We Offer SMART CHIC OLENA MISS COLONEL SODA bay roan 1978: COLONEL FRECKLES sor 1973: STRAWBERRY SODA bay roan 1965: CHEX Grandson of Colonel Doc Bar Chex with Poco breeding on the bottom. Dashin Money Perks (Blackie) Colonel Spark OLena (Colonel) Snyder, Oklahoma 73566 USA 2018 Blue Roan AQHA Quarter Horse Stallion Homozygous Roan & Black. Dual Spark and CD Olena each have three offspring on the list. Redeemed Lynx x MRI Speeding Beauty. Contact us today to reserve your foal! Color Possibilities: AQHA Homozygous for Blue Roan cowbred stallion prospect from the MRI Program. Excited for his futurity COLONEL SPARK OLENA. Get the 2025 Stallion Register. SMART CRACKIN CHIC (Kwackin, by Dual Pep). Dual Spark’s daughter Lula Dual helped get Joseph Harrison to Vegas, while his son, Dual Chip, carried Travis Graves all season. His only white is a small star. 2024 Stud Fee- $1250 Colonel Spark Olena - Homozygous for Roan & Black. 1: New Search Center Popular. We are going to offer Pedigree for Colonel Spark Olena, photos and offspring from the All Breed Horse Pedigree Database. colonel freckles* sor 1973 quarter horse #0911585. Expected to mature to 15. 2007 APHA/AQHA sorrel overo Stallion Sire: COLONELS SMOKING GUN Dam: Shining Little Peach by Shining Spark NRHA LTE: $115,000+ NRHA COLONELS SHINING GUN Proud to be the home of NRCHA World's Greatest Horseman Champion Heza Diamond Spark. 16,254 likes · 197 talking about this · 12 were here. Skip to main content; Skip to header right navigation; Sanrose Blue Colonel x MRI Sparkin Lena 2024 Black Stud Colt. 7P RANCH HORSES CLINTON, BC. aqha#0076136 : lightning We are accepting 2022 contracts for: IVORY KING ApHC Race Champion SILVERADO REIN Black Fewspot, ApHC FAMOUS PIE si 96, Brown AQHA SPECIAL FRENCH BULLY Buckskin AQHA A STREAK OF LAW Homozygous Roan Pedigree: 93M (Grays Starlight x Colonel Gunsmoke x Colonel Freckles) Earnings: $105,450 Rider: Ted Robinson, Oak View, CA Olena Oak. Trego-Groth Farms. com (605)881-1819 ©2022 by Trego-Groth Farms. Visit Advertiser. Beckwith Copper x Poised Patsy. $131,960: NRBC Open Derby Champion; USET Fes tival of Cham- Find reining stallions standing in oklahoma with our online stallion directory. Black stud colt Colonel Doc Bar Chex and Blue Spark Olena right here! He is as talented and willing as his pedigree says he should be. His 2024 Stud Fee is 1250. His first year standing at stud was in 2021, and we shipped semen to Many mares and all but one settled on the first cycle, and she settled on her 2nd cycle. 2024 Stud Fee- $1250 Colonel Spark Olena. Brown. (2015-2021) Oklahoma Wildfire "WILDFIRE" COLONEL SPARK OLENA 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion Homozygous for Roan &Black (photo at just 3 yrs old) This colt has bloodlines of: Colonel Freckles Blue Spark OLena Shining Spark Smart Little Lena Doc Bar (and NO Blue Valentine or Hancock!) (click picture) Standing At Stud : At Stud Shiny Topsail Dunit. A STREAK OF LAW (Lawman) COLONEL SPARK OLENA. A STREAK OF LAW (Lawman) Colonel Spark OLena (Colonel) Snyder, Oklahoma 73566 USA 2018 Blue Roan AQHA Quarter Horse Stallion Homozygous Roan & Black. jewels leo bars* blue spark olena* bl ro 2000 quarter horse #3911546 : shining spark* pal 14. LTE: $235,282. Colonel Freckles, Blue Spark Olena, Shining Spark, Docs Lynx, Doc Bar, Sugar Bar, King Fritz, Hollywood Deja Blue, Hollywwod at Dawn, Hollywood Gold, Snipper Music, Strait From Texas, Riskey Business, Doc Olena, Poco Lena, Colonel Spark OLena (Colonel) Snyder, Oklahoma 73566 USA 2018 Blue Roan AQHA Quarter Horse Stallion Homozygous Roan & Black. MRI Blue Sparklnrain (Sparkle) Blue Roan. Pedigree for Colonel X Babcock Foal, photos and offspring from the All Breed Horse Pedigree Database. | Sharing (NFS) Colonel Spark Olena Sharing (NFS) Colonel Spark Olena 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion EE aa RNRN, 5 panel NN, 15. Colonel Freckles: Colonel Doc Bar Chex: Shirley’s Doc Bar: Sanrose Blue Colonel: Blue Spark Olena: Watching this horse grow has been such a rewarding journey! Colonel Spark Olena, my 3-year-old stallion out of Bluebell, is turning into everything I hoped for and more. $217,000: NRCHA SMARTEST CHIC OLENA (Colonels Dove, by Colonel Spats). THE RANCH. colonel doc bar chex* sor 1987 quarter horse #2567657. (No Hancock) Colonel Spark Olena Homozygous for Roan & Black Great Performance Pedigree board so i made a video of my fav horse colonel Colonel Spark OLena (Colonel) Snyder, Oklahoma 73566 USA 2018 Blue Roan AQHA Quarter Horse Stallion Homozygous Roan & Black. Horse: Gens: BLUE SPARK OLENA* bl ro 2000 QUARTER HORSE #3911546 : SHINING SPARK* pal 14. 3 1977: DIAMONDS SPARKLE* pal 15. SOLD: 2022 Filly E_ Aa RN_ Sold: 2021 Filly EE aa RNRN Sold . genuine doc* sor 14. Flit Wonder: Big As I Am: Otoes Wonder: Sanrose Blue Colonel: Blue Spark Olena: Blue San Rose: San Rose Red : WEAVERS DOC IMA POCO : MRI SNIPS SPIRIT : MISS SNIPPY BUCK: MRI COWBOY COCOA : PROVOCATIVE COWBOY : MRI COWBOY FUDGE : MISS BARRY BROWN: Category: 2024 Foals For Sale, Geldings & Stud Colts for sale, Horses For Sale Tag: MRI COLONEL SPARK OLENA. 0+ COLONEL SPARK OLENA. MRI Snips Spirit x MRI Sparkin Lena 2022 Bay Roan Pedigree for Sanrose Blue Colonel, photos and offspring from the All Breed Horse Pedigree Database. COLONEL SPARK OLENA is a 2018 True Blue Roan stallion, who is Homozygous for ROAN and BLACK! EEaaRNRN. 2007 Bay Roan Mare Blue Spark Olena x Miss Pocos Peppy Doc. <br>I have over four years of experience working in various roles for a large engineering and construction company. This gives Wimpys Little Chic a breeding pattern of 4 X 3 to Colonel Freckles. Sired by COLONEL SPARK OLENA (pictured). Grandson of Colonel Doc Bar Chex with Blue Spark Olena both top & bottom. (No Hancock) Colonel Spark Olena Homozygous for Roan & Black Great Performance Pedigree NFS- Future Stallion at stud COLONEL SPARK OLENA 2018 Blue Roan, Homozygous EEaaRNRN (NOT your typical Homozygous Roan Pedigree!) Colonel is sired by Colonel Doc Bar Chex the 2000 World’s Greatest Horseman Competition Reserve Champion with $40,000 in winnings in cutting, reining, and reined cow horse competition. blue spark olena bl ro. 2024 Stud Fee- $1250 Blue Roan Colt, foaled 4/19/24. (PHOTO at 3 yrs old. MRI Sparks N Smoke, aqha 5550776 – Colonel Spark OLena x CC Blues Lil Roan "CC" Pedigree for coming 2024 foal. bedonna. 3 1977 quarter horse #1295706. Color Possibilities: 220 likes, 2 comments - no_reins__horses_llc_ on February 27, 2025: "Watching this horse grow has been such a rewarding journey! Colonel Spark Olena, my 3-year-old stallion out of Bluebell, is turning into everything I hoped for and more. and INCLUDES the booking fee, chute fee, 1st collection, Out of two true blue parents, this colt has color, class, and cow just how you want it. He stands on dark feet. Coppers Shady. Blue Roan. h, quarter horse, 2000 : ?? blue spark olena* bl ro 2000 quarter horse #3911546. This colt was effortless to halter train. TRAINING. 186 likes, 1 comments - 4mquarterhorses on January 14, 2024: " SHINE CHIC SHINE - SMART CHIC OLENA- EBONY SHINES - SHINING SPARK - TOPSAIL WHIZ - LIL GUN - GUNNER Colonel Spark Olena - Homozygous for Roan & Black. Excited for his futurity future and even more excited to see him as a breeding stallion in the years to come! : @kariannaphotography Sharing (NFS) Colonel Spark Olena 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion EE aa RNRN, 5 panel NN, 15. There have been 3 Full Siblings! ALL Amazing! 2023 Filly EE aa RNRN $10,000. Pedigree: 02S (Smart Chic Olena x Fritzs Oak E Doakie x Doc’s Oak Colonel Freckles : Colonel Doc Bar Chex : Shirley’s Doc Bar: Sanrose Blue Colonel : Blue Spark Olena : Blue San Rose : San Rose Red : Shining Spark : Blue Spark Olena : Smart Sugalena: MRI Blue Sparklnrain : Provocative Cowboy : MRI Peppita Rain : Miss Peppita Doc Collena Chic Olena • Photo by Jeff Kirkbride Photography. Collena Chic Olena is out of Collena Freckles, who is a cutting money-earner by Colonel Freckles. 2hh 1956 quarter horse. I am well known for taking on multiple roles in a busy, internationally growing company and handle a variety of tasks that a Blue Spark Olena Breed Fee $2000 (Frozen Semen Available) NRCHA Money Earner The Only “TRUE” Blue Roan Son of Shining Spark. Hind pastern 4/28 4500 BEE LOWA COWBOY PROVOCATIVE COWBOY GO MISS ALICE MRI SPEEDING BEAUTY Pedigree for Shining Spark, photos and offspring from the All Breed Horse Pedigree Database. COLONEL SPARK OLENA 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion Homozygous for Roan &Black (photo at just 3 yrs old) This colt has bloodlines of: Colonel Freckles Blue Spark OLena Shining Spark Smart Little Lena Doc Bar (and NO Blue Bred to Colonel Spark Olena for 2025-Homozygous Black EEaa. (this photo as a yearling, I need My Primary Breeding Program is Barrel Racing & Performance prospects. 1 hands. Foals can be contracted in Utero for a discounted price. He may also COLONEL SPARK OLENA 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion Homozygous for Roan &Black (photo at just 3 yrs old) This colt has bloodlines of: Colonel Freckles Blue Spark OLena Shining Spark Smart Little Lena Doc Bar (and NO Blue Valentine or Hancock!) (click picture) Standing At Stud : COLONEL SPARK OLENA 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion Homozygous for Roan &Black (photo at just 3 yrs old) This colt has bloodlines of: Colonel Freckles Blue Spark OLena Shining Spark Smart Little Lena Doc Bar (and NO Blue Valentine or Hancock!) (click picture) Standing At Stud : Colonel Spark Olena - Homozygous for Roan & Black. His first foals were born in 2021. $255,335: AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior & Senior Reining Horse. com Stallions Colonel Spark OLena (Colonel) Snyder, Oklahoma 73566 USA 2018 Blue Roan AQHA Quarter Horse Stallion Homozygous Roan & Black. Great Performance Pedigree. 0+ Homozygous Black Gened Stallions & Mares. A STREAK OF LAW (Lawman) Colonel Spark OLena x CC Blues Lil Roan "CC" Pedigree for coming 2024 foal. Sanrose Blue Colonel : Blue Spark Olena : Blue San Rose : San Rose Red : Weavers Doc Ima Poco : MRI Snips Spirit : Miss Snippy Buck: MRI Roan Smoothie : Provocative Cowboy :. He did cut the front right skin between hoof and ankle so there will be a scar. 0 EEAA Homozygous Black Sire- Moon Dynasty si 103 Dam- Raze The Bar si 95 She is now Confirmed In-Foal to GOLD BUG EXPRESS, for a 2022 Buckskin or Bay/Brown Foal. MRI Shiny Blu Buckle, Homozygous Blue Roan Renamed by purchaser as COLONEL SPARK OLENA – sold. MRI Blue Sparklnrain (Sparkle) MRI Sparked N Blue – sold. Colonel Freckles : Colonel Doc Bar Chex : Shirley’s Doc Bar: Sanrose Blue Colonel : Blue Spark Olena : Blue San Rose : San Rose Red : Shining Spark : Blue Spark Olena : Smart Sugalena: MRI Blue Sparklnrain : Provocative Colonel Spark Olena - Homozygous for Roan & Black. Johnson Bar S Quarter Horses, Alton, IL 1994 Champion Shining Spark Genuine Doc Diamonds Sparkle Tim McQuay Carol Rose, Gainesville, TX Reserve Champion Smartin Off Smart Little Lena Miss Cal Sen Bob Avila Jerry F. At Stud. 3 1989 quarter horse #2810420. Filly/Colt options available on in Utero contracts. Colonel Spark OLena (Colonel) Snyder, Oklahoma 73566 USA 2018 Blue Roan AQHA Quarter Horse Stallion Homozygous Roan & Black. 3 1977: doc bar : ch 14. (No Hancock) Colonel Spark Olena Homozygous for Roan & Black Great Performance Pedigree Blue Spark Olena: Shining Spark: Smart Sugalena: Boon Quioxte: Boon Bar: Chicks Magic Quioxte: Frosty Blue Freckles: Freckle Charge: Colonel Freckles: Gee Sugar: Roan Sun Socks: PC Sun Socks: Roan Bar Priss 78: Wonder Redwood 2016 Dun Stallion. I raise several foals every year that are offered for sale directly to the public. Horse: Filter: Color: Sort by: Reports: Add/Edit/Delete: Subscriptions: Help: Horse: sanrose blue colonel : We're excited to announce the new All Breed Pedigree beta! COLONEL SPARK OLENA: bl ro: C: Blue Roan cowbred filly part of the MRI Program. shining spark* pal 14. 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion EEaaRNRN 5 panel NN (photo at just 3 yrs old) (click picture for more info) This colt has bloodlines of: Colonel Freckles Blue Spark OLena Shining Spark Smart Little Lena Doc Bar (and NO Blue Valentine or Hancock!) NOT for sale. COLONEL SPARK OLENA. (No Hancock) Colonel Spark Olena Homozygous for Roan & Black Great Performance Pedigree Colonel Spark OLena x CC Blues Lil Roan "CC" Pedigree for coming 2024 foal. AQHA Blue Roan Colt Foaled April 05, 2024 Photo-4/19/24 PRICE- Minimum Deposit of $2000. Sanrose Blue Colonel. His maternal Grand Sire, Blue Spark Olena, was the 2005 URCHA Year End Reserve Open Hackamore Champion, the 2004 URCHA Year-end Show Open Snaffle Bit Champion COLONEL SPARK OLENA 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion Homozygous for Roan &Black (photo at just 3 yrs old) This colt has bloodlines of: Colonel Freckles Blue Spark OLena Shining Spark Smart Little Lena Doc Bar (and NO Blue Bedonna's Stallion Station, Snyder, Oklahoma. 3 1989: GENUINE DOC* sor 14. Please visit our website: www. Read more MRI Black Gems. 5) 2018 NRHA European Futurity L4 Open Champion with Gennaro Lendi (226. Cow bred top and bottom. He was pushed into a fence by the herd as they Introducing- COLONEL SPARK OLENA, 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion. 55 SHOW RECORD . 50LD- DRIFTIN BLUE COLONEL, Blue Roan AQHA Colt, foaled 4/19/24. Collena Freckles is the dam of One Right Chic, a full sister to Collena Chic Olena. (this photo as a yearling, I need In 2020 Davis Ranch will offer the following 9 stallions to the public for their breeding consideration: Autumnator, High Roller Rey, Black Cat Olena, Starlight Midnight, Blue Spark Olena, Magneticat, Last Hickory Lynx, Royal Blue Lena Colonel Spark Olena. Adult Reining Champion at The Champions Center Ranch Horse Show. Mr Splashtastic (Casper) Colonel Spark Olena Sanrose Blue Colonel: $1,000 (2024) Dashin Money Perks The Shady Money: $950 (2024) DSK Phantom Legacy (Ap) Ghostwind Legacy: Private(2024) Famous Polkadots (Ap) Famous Pie: $1,000 (2024) French Fame N Fire Ima Talented Guy: $1,250 (2024) Frenchmans Goldmaker Sanrose Blue Colonel. 2 1974: SMART SUGALENA b ro 1997: EquineNow listing of Listing of blue spark olena horse classifieds on Equine Now. Sire- COLONEL SPARK OLENA Dam- CC BLUES LIL ROAN He may be Homozygous for Roan and/or Black. 3 1989 QUARTER HORSE #2783668. Cooled Shipped offered anywhere in the USA. Homozygous for Black and Roan, EEaaRNRN, and 5 panel NN. AQHA select breeder & Ranching Heritage breeder in eastern Montana. CC’s Last Warrior x MRI Carabella. Reference Only. Wonder Redwood 2016 Dun Stallion. MRI Bells N Whistles. doc bar ch 14. Colt is a true Blue Roan, with no white markings. 2018 AQHA Blue Roan stallion EEaaRNRN 5 panel NN (photo at just 3 yrs old) (click picture for more info) This colt has bloodlines of: Colonel Freckles Blue Spark OLena Shining Spark Smart Little Lena Doc Bar COLONEL SPARK OLENA is standing at stud in Oklahoma. I am currently expanding my achievements and accumulating experience in the business, construction, and engineering industries. 2hh Zans Diamond Shine is the sire of both the famous Zans Colonel Shine, ridden by Jake Long, and Bar D Mr Moon Shine, Kyle Lockett’s good one. fonderjb@gmail. Horse: Filter: All Horses Males Only Females Only Blacktype Only Grade 1 Only One of these fillies is going to shed out a True Blue Roan (E_ aa RN__) and look like her sire, COLONEL SPARK OLENA the other is going to be a True Black (E_ aa) Who can tell the - Bedonna's Stallion Station sanrose blue colonel* bl ro 15. Gray. 5 panel NN. MRI Blue Blinx. MRI Black Spark aqha 5768640 – sold. His name says it all! Phenomenal blood lines from a lot of greats! Homozygous for black and roan. It's also free to list advertise a stallion. 2 1974: SMART SUGALENA b ro 1997: COLONELS SHINING GUN. 2 1974: SMART SUGALENA b ro 1997: Reserve Champion Lenas Gyrator Doc Olena Freckles Metermaid Craig L. 5) Pedigree for Colonel X Blue Easy Foal, photos and offspring from the All Breed Horse Pedigree Database. Dashin Money Perks (Blackie) Sanrose Blue Colonel : Colonel Spark Olena: $1,000 (2024) Bedonna's Stallion Station: Oklahoma : Sawyer Wood : Sawyers Game Changer: $1,750 (2024) Ruzsa Quarter Horses Shining Spark : Jacs Electric Spark: $3,500 : Cinder Lakes Ranch: Texas : Shorty Joe Lena : Playa Del Rey: $750: Ward Animal Hospital Pedigree for Hot Spark Olena, photos and offspring from the All Breed Horse Pedigree Database. 2017 NRHA Italian Futurity 3Yrs L4 Open 4th place with Markus Gebert (221. 1hh 2007 quarter horse #5029289. Sold Shawn in WY Raze A Rare Dynasty 2017 Bay Filly, approx 15. Proudly created with Wix.